Everyone with a windows device can now try out the beta client! Make sure to read the readme
Privacy Policy
About Vextoria

Vextoria respects the privacy of our users. This privacy policy was created to explain how we collect, use, and disclose information that pertains to your privacy. When you access or use Vextoria.com, you signify your agreement to our privacy policy.

This privacy policy covers Vextoria.com, Vextoria.com's mobile website, and Vextoria's mobile applications.

Have a question about this policy? Please email us at [email protected].

Requested Information

Users may browse our website as a guest, but may have limited access to certain features. For instance, guests cannot participate in our game, forums, or personal messaging system. We do not allow guests to participate in said features due to the possiblity of them sharing personally identifyable information either about themselves or others without the proper record of tracking on our website.

In order to participate in the above features, users will need to sign up to Vextoria using an email, username, and password. Emails are not shared with third-parties. For security we ask that users create a username that does not reflect any personal information about them. We also ask that our users choose a password that is not easily guessable. All passwords are stored in an encrypted form and are not accessible by anyone.

When you sign up to Vextoria, we will ask for your email address. This email address must be a valid email address. The reason we ask for a valid email is for both account verification and support requests.

Collected Information
Vextoria and it's affiliates use scripts, cookies, and other methods of tracking to store preferences from our user base, analyze reports, administrate the website, track movement on-site, provide fraud detection, and gather demographic information about our website. Your IP address, browser type and date/time may be stored for internal use, but will not be shared with third-party companies unless used for statistical purposes. These technologies do not store personally identifiable information.

For account use we may store an encrypted form of a user's password in the form of a browsing session. However, the original password cannot be retrieved by other parties unless such information is given to another party by the user.

Users who appear to be under the age of 13 may not be able to access certain features or content on Vextoria.com. Information from users appearing to be under the age of 13 are not shared with third-parties both for statistical and non-statistical purposes.

Vextoria.com will not ask for your location when browsing on a mobile devide or application. If your location is ever requested while on a mobile device or application, the purpose is for demographical information only and is optional to provide to us.

Information Logging

All actions by users are logged both for security and support purposes. These logs may include your IP address, browser type, requested pages (both to and from), date and time, and operating system.

Additionally, when visitors visit Vextoria.com, we automatically collect some non-personally identifiable computer information such as computer operating system, web browser being used, IP address, and information regarding your ISP.

Shared Information
Vextoria will share your personal information with third-party companies only in ways outlined in this privacy policy. Vextoria does not sell your personal information to third-party companies. Vextoria reserves the right to share personally idenfiable information required by law in order to protect the rights of our company or comply with a court order.

To the extent permitted by applicable law, Vextoria may also share personally idenfiable information with law enforcement or other agencies (CPS or schools) if Vextoria feels disclosure of such information may prevent the safety of both the party involved and our website.

Updating Information
If your information changes or you wish to no longer use services provided by Vextoria, including Vextoria.com's applications and website, you may amend or request deletion of your personally identifiable information by emailing support at [email protected].

If emailing us is not an option, you may view other means of contact in our contact information tab.

Retention of Data

Vextoria will retain all information associated with your account (or other services) as long as it is required in order to keep providing you certain or all services associated with your information. If at any time you want to cancel, request the removal of, or update your information on-file with us, please contact support at [email protected].

Vextoria will retain and use your information to settle disuptes as needed for legal obligations and enforce our policies.

Changing This Policy
Vextoria staff reserve the right to change or update this privacy policy at any time for any reason. If at any time this policy is updated, we will let you know through a website notification or banner alert.

Please review this policy on a regular basis to obeserve changes made by Vextoria. You can check the last time this policy was updated by looking at our relevant dates tab.

Your privacy is important to us. If for any reason you question our practices or changes to this policy, please contact us. Our contact information can be found in our contact information tab.